Quotes From "Vampire Interrupted" By Lynsay Sands

Okay, " Christian said with a great show at maintaining his patience. "So you can't dance. But you could at least talk to the woman." Julius frowned and avoided his gaze. "I am talking."" You aren't, " Christian insisted. "You haven't said more than a handful of words." Scowling, he admitted, "I'm practicing in my head." Christian blinked at this. "Practicing?""Well, you don't just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, " Julius said with exasperation. "I have to approach this carefully, so I'm practicing."" In your head?" Christian clarified." Yes." Julius nodded. "In my head."" Right.. Good, good, " he nodded, and then said "but you know what would be even better?" Julius raised his eyebrows with interest. "What?""Talking to her OUT LOUD! " Christian snapped. "Jesus Christ, Father, you're as old as the earth. You run a huge corporation, dealing with people-even women-day in day out. Surely you can string a couple of words together and manage a little conversation with the woman?. Lynsay Sands
Okay, why don't we practice your talking with Marguerite? OUT LOUD. I'll be her." Julius stared at him blankly. "Now?""No, I was thinking maybe next April. Then you could maybe give her a call, arrange a date..." He arched his eyebrow in question, and snapped, "Yes, NOW. Lynsay Sands